Thursday, November 20, 2008

Zone Meal : Simple lunch

4 oz smoked turkey ham (4 blocks protein)
2 pears (4 blocks carb)
12 cashew nuts (4 blocks fats)

I had a hard time finishing the pears because its two HUGE ones.


Karen said...

sound like a very good option and delicious lunch... shall replace turkey ham with salmon..

yum yum!

Cris Solis Chen said...

yea i just started visiting the euro deli now a days for better meat options comparing to buying canned tuna. Got bored of that.

Lilian said...

why 12 cashew nuts? lol. What happens if i eat a whole pack? coz i do that..

Cris Solis Chen said...

why 12? because its a measured intake of 12grams of good fats, which is divided into blocks, every 3 cashew nuts is blocks of fats. Since I'm a 4 block zone eater, I'll have 4 blocks of protein, 4 blocks of carbs and 4 blocks of fats. Which is measured in a way to have a 40 % carb, 30% protein and 30% fats. Provided I maintain the intakes to only low GI value meals.