Saturday, November 29, 2008

WOD 112908

"Those Burpees Suck" for time

10 Pull Ups
20 KB Swings @ 24k(M), 16kg(W)
30 Box Jumps @ 24"
40 Push Ups
50 Sit Ups
60 Burpees
10 Pull Ups

Completed time : 11:36

Compare to WOD 081308

Thursday, November 27, 2008

WOD 112708

AMRAP in 20mins :

10 globlet squats 20kgs DB (Sub with 45lbs plate)
10 pullups

Completed rounds : 16 rounds + 7 squats

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

WOD 112608

5 rounds for time :
Run 400m
10 Deadlift 135lbs
10 pullups

Completed in 23:05

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

WOD 112508

Five rounds for time of:
15 KB Deadlift @ 45kgs
15 Handstand Push Ups

Completed time 15:23

Monday, November 24, 2008

WOD 112408

"Cindy Hardcore"

AMRAP in 20 mins of :
15 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
45 Squat

Completed Rounds : 6 Rounds, 3 Pull-ups

Friday, November 21, 2008

WOD 112108

Weighted Pull Ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

The aim of this workout is go for the maximum weight you can lift for 1 rep. Do a full warm-up followed by some pull ups or light weighted pull ups. Your rest should range from 3-5 minutes between sets. Time to get stronger!

Completed weights


Zone Meal : Quick Snack

1/2 slice of whole meal bread (1 block carb)
1/2 tbs of peanut butter (1 block fats)
1 scoop of protein powder mix with water (1 block protein)

Taken 30-45mins before workout.

Vid : The Kettlebell Snatch

A very good 2 part tutorial video how to perform the Kettlebell Snatch in a more progressive and effective way.

Part 1

The Kettlebell Snatch, Part One from Jon Gilson on Vimeo.

Part 2

The Kettlebell Snatch, Part Two from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Zone Meal : Simple lunch

4 oz smoked turkey ham (4 blocks protein)
2 pears (4 blocks carb)
12 cashew nuts (4 blocks fats)

I had a hard time finishing the pears because its two HUGE ones.

WOD 112008

For time of:
21 KB Snatches @ 20kg L/R
Run 400m
15 KB Snatches @ 20kg L/R
Run 400m
9 KB Snatches @ 20kg L/R
Run 400m

Completed in 13:05

WOD Deadlift, pushups
10 rounds for time of :
15 barbell 135lbs deadlifts
15 pushups

Completed in 27:33

Vid : CrossFit Handstand

Developing a Handstand

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Zone Meal : Tuna Salad

Based on a 4 block meal

3oz Canned Tuna (3 block of protein)
1 cup plain yoghurtt (1 block protein 1 block carb)
1 handfull of mix veg (approx 1 block carb)
12 cashew nuts (4 blocks fats)
1 apple (2 blocks carb)

WOD 1110808

45 - 30 - 15 Reps for time of :

KB Swing @ 24kg
Ring Dips

Completed in 13:20

I hate ring dips altho I can do muscle up already.

Zone Meal : Quick Lunch

Corned Beef Salad

I know I may have been eating abit too much of corned beef.

Based on a 4-block meal
4 oz corned beef (4 blocks protein)
2 tbs olive oil (4 blocks fats)
Hand full of mix veg + cherry tomatoes (approx 2 block carb)
1 plum (1 block carb)
1 water apple (1 block carb)

Mixed the corned beef, olive oil and mix veg + cherry tomatoes into a salad bowl. The plum and water apple is serve as a dessert.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

WOD 111808

In 20 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
10 KB/DB Thrusters @ 16kg/35lbs
10 Push Ups

Completed Rounds : 14 Rounds + 10 Thrusters + 7 Pushups

Almost broke to round 15. This is first time my record is the highest on the board.

Zone Meal : Quick 4 Block Dinner

Based on a 4 block meal
4 oz Corned Beef (4 blocks protein)
12 Almonds ( 4 blocks fats)
2 plum (2 blocks carb)
1 apple (2 blocks carb)

Not the best meal in the world, but gives me all the nutrients I need.

Zone Meal : Breakfast Smoothie

4 blocks meal
3 Quarter cup of cooked steel cut oatmeal (3 block of carbs)
1 Cup of Milk (1 block of carb, 1 block of protein)
3 scoops of protein (3 blocks of protein)
2 tbs of Peanut Butter ( 4 blocks of fats)

Put everything into a blender, and blend it away.

WOD Annie, Those Burpees Suck & 8km Run

Misc Workouts
For time of:
Double Unders
Situps (Anchored)

Completed in 8:06

3rd Month anniversary workout

WOD "Those Burpees Suck"
For time of :
10 Pullups
20 KB Swings @ 24kgs
30 Box Jumps @ 24"
40 Pushups
50 Situps
60 Burpees
10 Pullups

Completed in 12:20.

Weekend workout

Ran 8km in 50:51

Monday, November 17, 2008

WOD 111708

100 pullups for time

Completed in 10:17

Friday, November 14, 2008

WOD 111408

10 Rounds for time of :
10 KB Swings (32kgs)
3 Muscle Ups

Completed in 36:44

Thursday, November 13, 2008

WOD 111308

For time of :
Run 800m
50 pullups
Run 800m
50 pushups
Run 800m
50 knee to elbow

Completed in 25:38

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

WOD 111208

5 Rounds for time of :
15 Double KB Push Press (24kgs)
15 Double KB Front Squats (24kgs)
15 Ring Dips

One of the most painful workout I've done.

Completed in 61:49

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

WOD 111008

5 Rounds Max reps of

Handstand pushups

Recorded Reps :
14 13 16 16 15
16 21 18 21 20

Total Reps :170

Saturday, November 8, 2008

WOD 110808

4 Rounds for time of :
Run 400m
50 squats

Completed in 14:36

WOD 110808

WOD "Andrew"
In 20 mins, do as many rounds possible of :
5 Pullups
10 Burpees
15 Situps

Completed rounds : 13 Rounds + 5 Pullups

Friday, November 7, 2008

WOD 110708

WOD "Running Fran" For time of :
Run 400m
21 Trusters (20kgs)
21 Pullups
Run 400m
15 Trusters (20kgs)
15 Pullups
Run 400m
9 Thrusters (20kgs)
9 Pullups

Completed in 17:55

Thursday, November 6, 2008

WOD 110608

150 KB Snatches @ 20kgs for time

*The reps are a total for L/R. There is no limit to hand switches but the KB can only be placed on the ground after every 10th rep

Completed in 9:06

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

WOD 110508

21-15-9 of:
Handstand Push Ups
Ring Dips
Push Ups

Completed in 24:07