WOD 092409
Setting the PR. New toys in Pushmore. 2 sets of barbell with loads upto 375lbs each bar!
Deadlift Max Weight 1-1-1-1
Completed weights : 198lbs, 264lbs, 304lbs,
New PR for deadlift is 330lbs / 150kgs. This is 2x body weight as I targeted to accomplish. It feels great to be able to hit my target. But I kid you not, shocking the nervous system with this sort of load - I was seeing stars after I lifted it. I wanted to go higher - 352lbs, but I could not even lift it up. Need to train up, zone up and kick the stupid motherfuckin smoking habit and concentrate of improving both strenght and endurance. Then perhaps I can lift heavier. One STICK at a TIME.
Since the barbells are in town, it's time to improve on racking and lifting. Since Crossfit have lots to do with olympic lifting. Technically.
21-15-9 with 66lbs of
Clean & Push Jerk
Clean & Push Press
Completed as rx'd : 19:04
Altho the new BB racks perfectly, but I'm having difficult rolling the bar up from rack to overhead. Kinda hurt my fingers from trying to roll it up. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.